Layering Kit

I have my Simply Sixteen Mid-arm, which I love, which also means that I need to baste my quilting layers together.  I love my Kwik Clip for pinning, but I never could find it when I needed it so I spent as long looking for it as I did pinning my layers together.  I also have a couple of different spots where I layer my quilts, one requiring taping my layers, and the other is thin enough to hold my layers using binder clips.  Somehow, though, my clips would vanish, so i would go in search of them.  No more!

I now have made a layering kit!  It is terrific, because now that I have a dedicated container and spot in my sewing room, I no longer lose my supplies.  Yay!


As you can see, I bought some variable sized clamps (which hubby is not allowed to touch), and have my roll of painters tape, my box of safety pins, and my Kwik Clip.  I always keep my pins open so that when I’m basting, I don’t need to waste time opening them.   Now when I need to baste a quilt,  everything is at my fingertips.

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